Disclaimer (Exclusions of liability)
MontaioneMtbTrailArea.com was created thanks to the passion for cycling - especially for mountain biking - of its contributors. For this reason, the owners and contributors of this site, while doing everything possible to maintain the highest accuracy and reliability of the information, do not accept any responsibility concerning errors, omissions, accuracy of gps paths, event dates, addresses of accommodations and restaurants, and any other information contained on this website.
The staff of MontaioneMtbTrailArea.com is also not responsible for accidents should they occur on the suggested route, including the total or partial loss of equipment or damage to your bicycle.
Always be aware of your level of training, and follow the tips and suggestions on MontaioneMtbTrailArea ntaione.com to ride in complete safety.
Although MontaioneMtbTrailArea.com does not take care of the mountain biking trails maintenance, and makes periodic checks, it is not possible to guarantee the paths practicability which could become inaccessible due to the rapid growth of vegetation or rainfall erosion.
For the above reasons, we are happy to share the tracks with you, hoping that you can have fun in our territory, but we won't responsible for the use that you are going to do, as no one has forced you to download the tracks.
The staff of MontaioneMtbTrailArea.com reserves the right to modify or update the content of the website, including locations and descriptions at any time and without notice. We apologize for the inconvenience that this may cause.